Silver Q&A Chat Symbol.H03.2k

The cost is calculated per word and depends on the number of words, the format and the quality of the file, the area of ​​expertise, the formatting required and the delivery deadline. Therefore, it is better to send me your file so I can reply with a free, non-binding offer!

No, only written translation services.

Yes, in the name of my legal single-member company.

Payments must be made in advance (as you do with anything else you buy online) via bank transfer or Paypal.

Yes, but please take the project delivery time into consideration. If you have a large volume project that you need immediately, then you’d better contact a translation company. But keep in mind, that the company will split your project among multiple translators, which will have an impact on the consistency of the project regarding terminology and phraseology. Also, the cost will be much higher. It is better to accept a longer delivery time from a freelance translator so that you can get excellent results.

Wire transfer

IBAN: BG51STSA93001528184411 



Bank Account No: 1528184411

Account holder name: EVANGELIA KILIMIS EFTHYMIADOU Elileo Translation Services

